12th Annual BELVIR Symposium – Scientific program
Christian Münz (Viral Immunobiology, University of Zürich)
“Immune control of human oncogenic gamma-herpesviruses”
Corina Brussaard (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research )
"Marine viruses as important ecological drivers"
Thematic sessions:
Each session will include a mixture of both 15 min talks with questions and pitch talks of 5 min
The schedule for the Annual BELVIR Symposium, including a full list of speakers and talk titles* in each session, is available to download from this page at a later date. A preliminary program is available here. Talk abstracts will only be available to symposium attendees.
*To protect the intellectual property rights of some presenters, where applicable, some talk titles are not disclosed in this publicly available schedule. Instead, they are described as “Confidential”. The complete list of talk titles will only be available to symposium attendees.